Do I need an official translator for the notarial deed of sale?

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Do I need an official translator for the notarial deed of sale? I use an Italian friend to review all documents for me and I also translate it in English. 


The deed in Italian must be translated into a foreign language when:

- the notary does not know the foreign language;

- one or more parties declare that they do not know the Italian language;

The interpreter must be present when the deed is received and has the task of allowing communication between the parties and the notary who speak in a different language. (so your friend should be present and should do the oral translation during the deed)

The interpreter swears an oath or affirms to a notary that the contents of a translation are true and this must be mentioned in the deed, as far as the name of the interpreter.

The interpreter must also make the written translation of the deed and its attachments which must be appended next to the original or at the bottom. (therefore in advance your friend should translate the text of the deed and in the study of the notary be ready to make the necessary changes if there will be during the deed)

The interpreter must sign both the original and the translation at the end and in the margin of each sheet.

If there is not a full coincidence between the translation and the original in Italian, the latter always prevails. 

It is here that I would like to warn you that it is very important that the "friend" translator does his job well. 

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