Q: Are there special taxes for being property on the water on lake Como?

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A: The water in the lake is considered the property of the state. The state, through special consortia, collects fees from individuals for the use of berths for mooring boats or for the use of the coastline.

On Lake Como, many villas are sold with beaches or boat docks. Sometimes there are even residential buildings that touch the coastline and are thus on land / water owned by the state.

Fees for the use of state property, depending on the object (a few examples from the experience of my clients)

  • Mooring buoy - 200 euros per year
  • Coastline / Beach - 10 sq. - 30 euros per year
  • Berth for a boat 7 sq. - 280 euros per year
  • Apartment with an area of ​​119.17 square meters - 1059.59 euros per year (8.70 euros per 1 square meter)
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