What is a Energy Certificate?

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Bitte beachten Sie:

  • Preisen beinhalten keine staatlichen Steuern, Immobilienvermittlungsprovisionen, kosten für Notar Praktiken..
  • Die Karte zeigt nur die Stadt oder den Bereich in dem sich die Immobilie befindet, aber nicht die genaue Adresse.


In all advertisements for the sale and lease of real estate you will see the following entries " index of energy consumption in kilowatts 1 sq.m. per year "and" class energy saving . " It is preparing by the expert after studying the state of the property (the presence of heaters , the technical conditions of the building , the windows , the presence of thermal bridges that increase heat loss) . These data will help you quickly understand how much is spent on heating the property . Energy efficiency class ranges from A ( highest) to G ( lowest) , the higher the class , the better insulated the building and the less energy spent on heating. This certificate  is required for the transaction as a purchase or rental. Its validity in the constancy of performance of 10 years from date of issuance.

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